Hot Springs NP 4/19

Hot Springs NP was the most "different" NP yet. More of a history museum than a park. Incredibly fascinating but tucked around a bustling town. We did do some small hikes and of course found some new wildflowers.
The Springs were everywhere. Many covered for safety.
The green boxes are examples of covered Springs.
A glimps of "Bath House Row"
The visitor center is in one of the bath houses and is converted on to a 3 story museum so you get a feel of how it was in its hayday.
Complete with an early Otis Elevator!!
So much fun to see!
Very elegant parlors and rooms.
View of the town from the mountain tower.
The park actually has a Brewery that makes beer and rootbeer from the spring water! And specializes in root beer floats , which if course we had to try!

There are mineral spring water filling stations all over town. We filled up some gallon jugs to enjoy. I forgot to take pictures.

Dinner back at the lake.
Mexican stir fry with gulf shrimp! So yummy.


Unknown said…
Picture of elevator gate transported me to G. Fox department store in Hartford as a young child when they had an elevator operator! I can hear the sound of the gate opening and closing. 🤣

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