So sad to say goodbye to my desert plant friends! They hold duch a special place in my heart for some reason. I think it's because they are like the underdogs. They flourish beyond our belief! Good bye Big Bend! I hope to see you again!! One of our last Mexican Lunches and we struck gold!! Tiny hole in the wall. So good and fresh . They make their own tortillas. So tender and amazing. Then through the Texas oil fields. Dust everywhere! And you could actually smell petroleum in the air. Kind of surreal after the beautiful desert. Finished the day with one more Mexican meal! Omg sauted gulf shrimp SO SO SO GOOD!! A perfect end to our desert extravaganza! Tomorrow off to Hot Springs NP
Made it to the Texas Panhandle today. Found a great campground within Chibola National grassland. Lake McCullen Campground was next to a retired dam. $10.00 for electric, water AND hot showers! First outside meal! Finally approching warm weather. Arizona here we come!